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Bracalini Romano Book Title:
Otto milioni di biciclette. La vita degli italiani nel Ventennio.
Author: Bracalini Romano
Publisher: Mondadori

The meticulous and fascinating reconstruction of Italy to the age of Mussolini. A wonderful picture of the daily life during the "Ventennio".
€ 18,50
Phillips John Book Title:
Leonardo da Vinci. Il genio che definģ il Rinascimento
Author: Phillips John
Publisher: IdeeAli

The history of the genius that painted faboulous pictures and planned blots some revolutionary. with illustrations and maps of the age
€ 12,00
Forattini Giorgio Book Title:
Author: Forattini Giorgio
Publisher: Mondadori

The political italian's life seen trough the irony and the genuis of one of comic strip's masters
€ 16,50
Bergonzi Pier - Cassani Davide - Zazzaroni Ivan Book Title:
Vai, Pantani! Con DVD
Author: Bergonzi Pier - Cassani Davide - Zazzaroni Ivan
Publisher: Mondadori

On the bycicle he was a fury. The life of the last able runner to ignite the sport passion
€ 20,00
Vannini Sandro; Paci Paolo Book Title:
Trecentosessantacinque giorni sulle alpi. Ediz. illustrata
Author: Vannini Sandro; Paci Paolo
Publisher: Mondadori Electa

Images and words in order to discover the more evocative angles of the Alps.
€ 29,00
Oliva Gianni Book Title:
Profughi. Dalle foibe all'esodo: la tragedia degli italiani d'Istria, Fiume e Dalmazia
Author: Oliva Gianni
Publisher: Mondadori

The history of the Italian community of the Istria, Fiume and the Dalmatia. Forced to leave their house by the communist dictatorship of Tito
€ 10,50
Grasselli Gian Maria - Tarallo Pietro Book Title:
Guida ai monasteri d'Italia. Oltre 500 luoghi di antica spiritualitą
Author: Grasselli Gian Maria - Tarallo Pietro
Publisher: Piemme

The detailed guide of the most important italian's "monasteri". Cards detailed on the wonderful Italian abbeys
€ 6,90
Lucarelli Carlo - Picozzi Massimo Book Title:
La nera. Storia fotografica di grandi delitti italiani dal 1946 ad oggi
Author: Lucarelli Carlo - Picozzi Massimo
Publisher: Mondadori

The black report told trough the photos of the crimes. From the post-war period to the end of the century, one Italian particular history
€ 22,00


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